the hardest part of all..

Friday, October 8, 2010 at 10/08/2010 11:53:00 PM
yes it was hard.i thnk to everyone pun it is hard.saying goodbye.not as easy as it sounds.i've been saying good bye a lot since i can recall.but usually its when they leave me.but this time it was different.i decided to leave.i didnt know why i made the decesion to leave.especially to leave someone who made a difference to my were there when no one else was.u know how difficult it is to be part of my life.but u that we're so close, i become insecure of my own feelings.i just know that someday someone will get hurt.and i dont want that to happen.and so i opt to say goodbye now.its the only way to reduce the pain in that im on a holiday gives me time n space to think that life is not just about fun and a grown woman now.i shall think of wats good for me and my family.hal keduniaan can wait.selesaikn hal yg memerlukan kita di akhirat sana nanti.

ps: i hope i'l do just fine.


  1. Anonymous Says:

    saying goodbye was one part of "the road".as the cliche said,ppl come and go,n it was right despite being a cliche.

    i knw you'll get through with this.cuz i know you are a strong woman.note the word woman okay? :)

    plus,you are attractive,fun to be with,and has great friends that are always there for you.all you need to do is ask. :) i wouldn't dare to say this to u face 2 face,so i was hoping that u take this as a compliment,sincere from me.

    your friend,

    (Anonymous friend)

  2. hey babe :) you'll be good. i miss you.

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