tp yg common mistake org buat sekarang ni ialah MENCEMARKN IDENTITY an example, Reena's stalker, a big guy who sits 7 hrs in the library..then txt kat facebook
"i realize dat u r so pretty"
scary kan..tetiba dia lalu depan n senyum..
"now u can see me :)"
gila babi nye freak sial...
so sy nasihat kan kepada anda yg berstalk dan di stalk..jaga2 lah..ada caranya..and biar la cara itu betul :D
ps: i tau post kali ni x bermakna..saje je nga gian o9..jarang daa o9..lappy prob..sialan
meneruskan hidup..
sebentar td..ada lelaki tegur sy..dia pun x lah perfect mana..ttp..dia berani menegur perbuatan sy..terkejut sy..coz kami x kenal sgt pon..dgn terang dan jelas dia mengatakan "Dianne ni culture shock lh!" WTF??? agak terkedu sy disitu sebentar..susah menerima saya akui ada perkara2 baru yg sy cuba dan sdg ecstatic coz sgt teruja(really need to overcme dis)..ttp org yg bisa menegur sy hanyalah Aness n Sha..mereka mengenali sy..mereka tahu menegur sy dgn cara berhemah..sesungguhnya saya ini sensitif..masalah nye ngan mamat ni kata nye sy mencarut byk juga minta maaf jika bahasa terkasar tetapi perkataan SHIT itu sudah sebati dgn perbualan
selepas kejadian buzz sha..dia x de..aness juga telah meminta izin utk tdur..jd akan sy txt dia esk..oleh kerana sy terasa ya ym dgn mak angkat sy, Mama Shfq. mereka2 ni golongan yg x judge i remember i dun like normal guys and y ppl like faizal bisa memenangi hati sy..kerana mereka tidak judge..lelaki zaman ni..pantang tgk pmpn melaram..mula lah kutuk..janguk la..murah la..confrm sedap la..hesh..nk kne pukul agaknye diorg nih..
selepas Mama x dpt melayan kerenah sy kerana dia ada exm..ada seorg mamat dr matrx tegur sy..dia ini special..baik hati..sopan aja orangnya..ttp tidak lembut..entah mengapa hati sy terbuka utk melayan si dia..sebenarnya..sia dia ni crush sy pada awal2 matrx..cuma diri ini terasa begitu rendah dan hina utk digandingkan ngan orang sebegitu..dia adalah athlete..main basketball..body hot..haish..merepek lak..x pernah ku pasang harapan pd org sebegini coz at the end of the day selalunye sy akan kecewa juga..oleh itu..dulu dia hanya ku usha dr jauh..jalan bahu ke bahu pun x ku pndang(segan dan malu)..
tetapi mlm ni..dia melayan ku lain dr yg biasa..aku ntah mengapa persoalan byk bermain di kepala ku..
diri ku ini masih belum pulih sepenuhnya untuk terus meninggalkan perkara lama..
maaf ye awak..sila beri saya masa..yang sgt banyak...
when u have no one else to blame but u
see! gila vavi kan!..its embarassing n humiliating..about 65% from the students who took Electronics 1 failed..usually..below 40 baru fail..but too bad somehw for engineering faculty..passing mark is 50%..damn! how am i gonna tell my parents..better yet, how am i gonna convince them not to gve up on me????? to be honest.. i dunt know what went wrong..its either i do not know the cause or pretending to not know or denying my own fault..SUMPAH I DONT KNOW!
well, when u hit rock bottom, u have no where else to go but up..for now..i need to forgive myself in order to move on..i've scheduled a meeting with my advicer tomorrow morning..lets see what she has to say..may have to repeat a few subjects..damn!
Baru start sem
every nite ada praktis yg start kul 8.00pm til whenever k.Kem(president) wnts us to stop..fuh serius penat!..kami akan perform 2 tarian iaitu Chandak n Changgung..
to all my beloved friends, minta maaf x dpt hang out or dtg to whatever practce there is..but i'll be free by next week..hope to see u guys n hang out as usual..
kepada anak babi yg confirm akan terasa!
anak babi,
ko x yah la nk perasan ak ni stalker kau, what the fuck!..kalau dlu ye la kot..ada reason..kau igt kau sape?? pale hotak kau mmg berkarat ah! kau yg bodoh sgt g publish number phne kau kat facebook pehal? kau sedar x kat facebook tu utk public view..sial la kau..mulut pedas je kat fb kata aku la yg sial..otak kau tu yg x reti nk operate..kne ada manual sendiri agaknye..aku call kau ari tu coz d day befre kau beriya lah nk kasi present aku..ak pon pk la kau da bhenti emo,nk jd member bila ak call nk ajak kuar..kau tengking ak lak..oi babi..ko ni ok x? nk kne sembelih ngan aku ke? haram kejadah kau beli hadiah utk aku pon ak x paham!..g mati la kau..anak babi pon perangai x terok cm kau..x kenang hati budi org..mmg patut hidup kau byk masalah!
ps: kau sendiri pon tau kau ni cm sial kn :D
sakit perut..sakit hati
last nite i had a chat with a great friend frm matrx dlu..we chat2..coz dia br balik dr jmpa our old friend and we tanye khabar..tiba2 i blurt out my feelings fr faizal..we all knw dat i can never be over him..atleast not in dis 7 months..dgn berat hati he told me..
beliau : Dianne i rasa its time u kne lupakan Faizal la..i tau susah..i pon pnah rasa ditinggalkn oleh
org yg kite sayang.Lately ni i tgk Faizal da byk kembali kepada asal..asyik ngan jantan je
keluar sana sini..
me : ye ke?
beliau : u tau x..dlu masa spgk5 kat kmpk..Faizal sndri bgtau i yg dia sayang u sgt sgt dia masih mahukan life dia dgn jantan2 lain..
tanpa sedar air mata aku da mengalir..buku computer prgmng yg aku pegang makin basah terkena air mata aku..baru mlm td aku tau perihal sbenar..selama ini aku biar fkiran melayang memikirkn hanye perkara yg positif kerna aku ditinggalkn tanpa sebab..hanya persoalan..i make myself believe dat he might not be ready and dat he's guilty of not making me happy or he's scared of being left..but i was wrong dat caused me my entire happiness of dat day..
Faizal left me because of one selfish reason ..he wanted his gay life back..being able to be around guys who wud take him in for the nite and toss him out the next day..what kind of freedom is dat?..tukar2 pasangan evry other week..bosan dgn yg ini pergi kepada yg lain..i thot when Faizal met me..i'd be his answer to his questions in life..mahu aku bahagiakn dia..gembirakn dia selalu..buat dia bersyukur aku wujud di dunia ini..
kul 4 pagi td..i cried myself to sleep..bangun je mata bengkak..nk x nk kne bgn gk..ada exm at 9..i prayed to Allah to let me sit for my exm in peace..i txted Ibu,Mama shfq n Aty..minta mereka doa bersama..didnt txt Aness coz i knw she's sleeping(ceh,kne gk explain t dia merungut :p)..
during exam..awal2 tu susah nk focus..perut sgt sakit coz x berak..hati sgt sakit n pedih..mcm2 pikir..namun nasib iman ni kuat lg nk ketepikan nafsu dan cabaran dunia..Alhamdulillah td bole la jwb..
kesian Abu(my crush) bukan nama sebenar, dia tegur, i cm nk x nk je ni mmg susah utk senyum..sorry everyone..didnt mean to act so sour :(
exam invigilaters bodo :D
so glad bila dpt tau Fadzla sat dekat to me.. suddenly it hit me "eh,kalau Fad ada kat cni..mesti Penan ada gk"...toleh2 je...SHIT! he was there sitting next to me..dlam hati aku kata..Gosh, asal dia kat cni..da la dia bdak 4 flat..mmg kecil aku, Penan ni is my harasser..yup,u heard dat right..he harrased me on facebook n sold my pics thru fb gk..mmg td..he didnt even look at me..segan kot..nta..and the guys yg lalu sbelah dia sume tepuk2 bahu dia ckp good luck..maybe coz he was sitting next to me..mmg dugaan sy hari itu
when exam started..Alhamdulillah i see familiar questions..mostly yg da pnah jwb..pastu i usha Penan..fuh..semangat gila tulis on tgh stream guitar lak..biar la dia..dia mmg sbenarnye i cuak gk..i x de la confident sgt jwb papers ok la i jawab ngan keadaan normal..tiba2
"Attention to all stdents who are taking Electronics 1..pls be reminded that u are not allowed to use calculator model fx-570MS..the invigilators will take away ur calculator if u r caught using one"
i tgk my,ni cm yg dia sebut td..pastu i pndg Fad..dia da tersengih2.. i pndg Penan..mmpphh..dia nga ketagih jwb exm..kimak anjeng nye invigilator..kalau dia nk amk ak nye calc,ak nk gne pe???? ada la seorng kakak berbaju kurung merah tudung pink..ayu je diri sbelah ak..ak pndg dia cm org bodo..pastu dia kata
"sorry but i have to take dis away..its the rules"
perghh..English beb..ak da la x de mood time tu terus ak sergah
"abes kalau amek, sy nk kira gne ape? ni paper kira2"
"sy minta maaf..but there's nothing i can do"
muke dia sedh je..i cm...alahai sian minah ni kne ngan dia pon amek my calc..
itula ceghitenye(loghat perak?)....haih..i answered paper kira guna bentuk lazim dan sebasic mungkin yg blaja dr skola rndah..mmg x patut..if i fail blaming it on MMU..
waaaa..nak IBU!
conv of me n ibu,
"jiwa kosong"
"Kosong? Isi batu2 kecik n goncang. Dptlah rentak ape2 lagu."
"Dpt lagu tajuk 'fail' camne?"
"Taik jatuh?"
"Bukan..tgh buat lempeng"
"Lempeng tu ape?"
"Roti canai melayu. Bulat flat mcm kulit popia tp tebal"
hahaha...cute lah..haha..huhu..i miss ibu..wish exm wud finish fast :(
i just want u to listen
i need someone to talk to DESPERATELY..
byk nk ckp..perasaan berbaur..hati x sedap..badan x sihat..
i used to hv seorg pendengar yg setia..
bila i call..dia angkat
"u, tau ni kn..bla..bla..pastu mamat/minah tu.....bla...bla..bla.....i cm WTF!..then dia cm..WTH...pastu...bla....bla...bla........fuhh lega da lepas......."
he will answer,
"alaaa...biasala tu..pondan mmg cmtu..x de pe nye...lupakan je laa..."
so simple..yet it made me feel better..but nw...if i cite kat it my mom or my friend
the usual wud be
"tu la u..kan da kata..spe suh u..bla...bla...dah2...jgn degil..there's more to life than just dat...bla..bla..bla...byk lg bnda leh buat..bla...bla...hidup ni.......bla..bla.bla"
feedbck sgt byk..lg wat i stress ada laa..kdg i thnk God dat those yg i talk to ni..actually cares bout me..and wants me too feel nye..
i miss ppl listening to wat i say..x payah cmmnt byk..just sit..listen..never judge..and enjoy life as i move on with u..
all i want is for u to not asking too much am i?
its exam week..and i feel like i havent prepared a thing..seriously..sometimes i feel like studying is not my thing..feel like enjoying for the whole year then br start study..mmg berangan lebey la kn..
lately byk feelings bercampur..and tau x bad habit came bck..nta nape..da lama dtg balik..for nw i layan jap..hope not addicted to it..
i've been sleeping at 6 am for a few days nw..bgn time azan Zohor..start stdy kul 3..mlm2 o9..bila stdy cm x stdy..i mean i can read a book for 5 hours n still cant answr a question..imean..WTF?
x dpt focuskah? wat am i thinkng or doing? my frens seem to b doin just fine..y am i like dis???
its as if there's something bothering me..something i shud do but never apa?..ami thinking too much..
today i had a friendly chat wit Epis..we was being a good him fr dat..he told me to be focused n to forget my past n start with a new life..he told a truth dat i cudnt take it at first..but the truth made me realize dat if the past does not want u to remember it..y shud u right?..i dunno..guess im so used to reply on my past dat i do things i did befre sampai x sedar bnda tu da x de sebenarnye..i je yg ada2 kn..haih..i da merepek over da ni..ok got to continue studyng..bye
l or h
i feel something..its not love, its not is somewhere inbetween..
raya prep 2009
i x berniat pon nk bangun sahur..coz dh la tdo kul 2.30 n i x pose pon so i dun gve a damn la kn..tetibe my phne old friend call..mmg kacau btol mamat x i went down to join i bu n fadhli fr sahur..tiba2 "ok diyana,aftr ibu smyg subuh i want all the dishes siap cuci"....damn! dah agak dah! ibu mesti akan menyeru x pe la..ini mmg expected coz my maid pulang ke kampung wit nenek..aish..dat day ibu tugas kn kami cuci dapur yg bau hancing n 2busuk coz dia x masuk dapur n da x masak for 1 month..bau2an itu adalah hasil tikos2 besar yg byk belakangan ini..sumpah sgt geli when me n fadhli had to remove evrythg at the back to scrub the lantai..
mcm2 ktorng jmpa..gumpalan slimy hijau(cm telur basi cmpur hingus..ewwhhh)..lipas2 mati..taik2 tikos..gosh!..ibu beli alat mencuci yg baru..pd hari yg sama gk ktorg habiskn toilet bleach n rosakkn berus lantai tuh..punye la kotor dapur tu..iye laa...time ada maid..ada la gk bnda2 yg dijaga..selepas dia pulang kampung..mcm kapal pecah!
im at HOME!!
sumtin happen td..agak kelakar la pak lang came to the house n brought chickens to be cooked by ibu for buka puasa at atok's tmrw..punye la byk ayam nye sampai kne angkut gne adik ni pula bangang sgt pergi amek my baldi baju buat tadah ayam yg masih berdarah dan menitik2 airnya...EEWWWHHH! tp wat can i do? dah terjadi da pon..padahal byk je baldi dlm toilet tuh..ada yg kne sekeh pasni! aish.....
td bila masuk my room..bkk je radio..berkumandang lagu yg telah menjadi saksi cinta dianne dan faizal(sorry i x bkk lagu2 raya nih)...aih..hati ni sayu je..da la nk x pe..bukannye i ni janda mati laki..hanya hilang boyfriend je..patah tumbuh hilang berganti... ye tak??
hehe..da byk bebel ni..mentang2 da lama x bebel on blog..ok la i nk mandi dlu pasni nk tolong isi kuih..ciao
so far..
i cm ada byk nk cm malas nk tulis..x pe..i'll try my best kayh
kelmarin, i went out sahur with Nik,Iqa,Fikky n was my first hang out with the cheer team..gegaya perut gila x mkn sgt pown..byk bnda i blaja frm that 3 hrs of sahur..starting frm 3 am to JS MAJU,cyber..muhahaha!! Fikky n Shaqel telah menjadi sifu i dlm menghisap shisha seterer far i da acheive penghisapan sekuat tenaga n hisap thru hidung..yg lum pass is buat huruf 'o' frm asap..hurmm..x pe nxt leh cube lg..
im going back tday..kata ibu..dia akan pick me up lunch time..sdg menunggu sambil mkn kismis(i tak puasa..hehe..x boleh la bukan x mau)
smlm MC kata gossip girl season3 dah kuar..Gorrrsshhh!!! i like nk hell2 tgk..serious..varsity life kot!! aish..harus mendapat kannya...t i minta mc dwnld la..hehe thx mc :)
Gossip girl is like a mirror of my life(ceyh perasan!) of course minus the million bucks,random sex n drugs :D
nta npe it very much relates to my in my personal la..n i learn hw to handle things frm there too hehe..
OMG! i lupe nk say sumtin..somebdy has a crush on me!!hahha..yg ini i x tipu..serious shit!
i pon cuak coz dis guy is more to obsess than like..its not like he's stalking he's testing me with all the wrong things just to see wether i could handle it or not..psycho gila..nnt one day if i raje i tell k..hehe..ok dats all fr nw
muah..xoxo :)
Hello World :)
Gosh lupe nk gtau..i got my hair done..during my was a gift frm ayah..atleast i hope dia still x mara coz the outcme is ilook good..hehe..stra8kn rmbut yg berasal dr gumpalan curls yg hodoh cost ayah rm3oo++...gila x pe.i x regret..infact i love it..cume hope it to grow longer supaya bole buat iklan Sunsilk :P....
tp i malas nk time k :)
It's my birthday
Im not happy.
yesterday nite was electrncs exm..i came bck early to campus,sacrifising my holidays to prepare fr d, i wasted it..hati ini mcm tiada perasaan..i suck badly during exm last nite..aftr exm i decided to go dancing with least it made me fell better..i cudnt care less bout anythng dis past few days..i didnt care if i wasnt sleeping at all, i didnt care if im not eating, i didnt care if i even wake up for morng parents wud be dissapointed when they hear dis..i wish to become a better person..but i can never know when am i ready..
after dat we separated.Szu' had to did me,aness n sha took d KTM to MidValley to get Aness's bag..dlm KTM we met dis young chinese usual la KTM pack we cramped ourselves kat dlm tu..d chinese guy startd a conversation..we thot d guy was sweet n thotful considering d fact dat he offered space..UNTIL!!! his hand moved to my hair..we were swearing dlm hati time tuh..but not to be rude i kept quite..he tiba2 rubbed his fingers to my arm..i da gelabah gler..sume senyap "Jangan la takut kakak..Kenapa kakak takut?" WAT THE HELL???????...dat guy was sumpah freaky..thank goodness 1 sttn je..keluar je KTM ktorg menjerit gila!..hahah..wat an Mid aness got to buy her purple bag n i got my self a new pair of bleached jeans for RM19.50 at F.O.S..happy gila i ptg tuh!!!
Despite the horror that we went thru dat day..jmpa faizal la,blur kat Subway la..and dat freak frm china town..i was so happy dat i finally got a new pair of jeans dat i've been dreming of..haihhhh
dat,sha,aness,sazu' n bee went to NICHI yg ada 4 at kat mana nta Sha bwk..sgt excited..besar bangat cawangan itu!igt nk cr blouse n green skinny jeans tp tiada yg menarik..huhu..gumbira hati perempuan kami ini..puas ati shopping di situ..after dat we head to OLD TOWN COFFEE at Ampang makan Ipoh Chicken Hor Fun..weeeee...then grak KLCC n watch THE PROPOSAL..itu adalah 1st midnite muvie sy di KLCC..percaya x?? i nanges dlm cinema..terok x?..huhu..cnt help it..its my time of d cte tu sweet sgt..tu la cr ktorg celebrate bday Sazu' on the 2nd..dlm muvie..passing2 wishes..he3..ok2..i need to sleep nw..ada exciting story menantikn anda di I LOVE MY GIRLFRIENDS(part2)..nantikn...
my current obsession.
its been a few days since i x tulis blog..sorry..
dat day(x igt bile)..i discovered a new website..bukan redtube! i tu da lama tau da..haha..i found like only meant for those yg really interesred in fashion..sumpah menarik nk mati!!..i immediately fell inlove with street fashion..cantik2 belaka..most of em are major in wonder the outfits mmg so into VINTAGE dis days..just hope i got money to shop je..dat's wat's stopping me nw..haih...
hehe my second current obsession is....ALI!!! huhu..mmg leh angau..know who ali is?? Ali ialah karikatur dlm cte KAMI..he's tall..big haired..sensitive..funny..and of course good looking..tau x pe??? ada dis one guy sibijik cm Ali..and he's in my electrncs lecture..huahua..dia pnah ckp hi kat ws walking fast so x pndng or respond lost..huu....
i dont knw
Mengapa pedih yg kurasa
Bila semua ku ada
Mengapa mengalir air mata
Bila tiada sebab untuknya
Mengapa hilang semuanya
Disaat ku mempercaya
Mengapa wujud cerita
Walau tidak ku karang
Mengapa ada perasaan
Walau ku tak rancang
Mengapa menunggu
Bila ia takkan datang
Mungkin ku sudah hanyut
Dengan cerita si pari2
Silap ku mengikuti.....
"ayah, find me a calon skg gk! i want to get married! =(''
hehe..less then 10 seconds after dat ayah called..dia pn mmbebel la pasal, hw i can do it but i underestimate myself too much..bla..bla..bla..i cm..actually my dad is quite predictable..u'll knw wat he's gonna say..boleh je if i nk save d credit and repeat his words in my version td..but having ayah to call me and worry bout me and tell me hw he believes in me, is just.....PRICELESS!..its a guilty pleasure that i like to bad ;p
weee....! last sat i went bck to celebrate Nik Afif's n Ainuddin Faiz's bday..afif's is on d 19th n ainud's is on d 26th..we decided to celebrate earlier before mereka smbg studies..huu~..dat saturday..Afif voluntarily belanja us tickets for HARRY POTTER and lunch at SECRET RECIPE..wah! best was just d three of us..geng petro yg slalu balik sama XD..we watched muvie kat PAVILLION n lunch at TIME SQUARE..i bought a solar powered plastic plant for them..comel sgt..huu..ptg tu..they decided to head to PELITA nk tgk MU lwn Malaysia..i x ske bola i balik umah..
dat nite..i ajar ibu buat blog dia sndiri for her hampers and gifts..hehe..kelakar sgt..budget i ni pro jer..haha..arnd 2 am i insisted ibu watch PS.I LOVE U with me..i cried gila..ibu cm selamber i knew she cried at certain scenes..haih...da 3 kali tgk muvie tu pn i still nanges beriya..we slept at 4am..and i bgn lmbt gler..kul11.30am..fuuuhh..ngamok ibu coz ktorg lmbt nk visit fadhli at ALAM SHAH..huhu..took Aness along wit me since dia stay umah uncle she spent a nit at my je balik lah weekend nih =D
I want a VITARA!


gooorrrrrrshh!!!..there was a day(x igt bile)....i was walking bck to hostel...then..i saw IT...IT was so handsome!!!..i immediately fell in love at first site..who knws love at first site cud be real...bila balik..i just cnt stop thinking of IT...i came to me..just like the middle of nowhere..i blurted out ''I WANT A VITARA!''...damn it feels good to say dat..d whole nite i stayed up til 4am...googling for a VITARA...i seriously want one!!..check under second hand cars..i found it...still onsale by a chinese guy...siap save gamba lg...ari u i told ayah..but he sort of..masuk telinga kanan kuar telinga kiri...haih...y wont he take me seriously??...anyways...i imagined my new car in bright red..or extremely hot purplish maroon...haihssss pure howtness!!!
Dianne will stop man-hunting!
today is my first day of also trying to curb my appetite of swearing..during math class td..i was focused and felt really good..i finally understnd wat im learning(forgve me prof.)...and made new friends wit d nerds..i neglected those stares n smiles..n i was a changed person..i felt it...i was on d ground! gonna be a bookworm sket..da buat deal ngan gigon mlm td not to go o9 til after 11.30pm..gotta score dis 1st sem to make an impression to my parents..haihssss..LOVE THE NEW ME!!
im hurt
dis was yesterday's story..i went to TS to meet up wit a bunch of matrx friends..we were happ to see each other..but wat excited me was i met my crush..the one i eyed before hooking up wit faizal..he was so nice to me yesterday..paid fr my lunch n train tickets..i agree to separate wit the crowd n joined him to watch ice age mistake was..i knew he had a gf..but he told me it wsnt going so well since they hv been into a lot of arguemnts lately..when he said dat, hati ku we walked tgether smlm..talked alot..avoid matrx crowd..unexpectedly he hold my God was i dreaming????..rupenye tidak coz bila check my wallet,sy benar2 tiada duit!! ptg tu, he walked me bck to lrt sttn..he kissed my forehead!!!!!! OMG..OMG..OMG!!.........i almost pengsan...Ya Allah..x dpt ku halang perkara itu!..i was blushing n smiling all the way bck to cyber..tday, dis morning arnd 8 am..he texted..''Dayan, miss u!''..haihhhhhh.....suke nye hati ini.......i cm teringat zaman2 berpacaran i didnt reply coz ngantok 11.00am..after bangun..i called him..niat dlm hati nk ckp sorry coz x reply when he picked up..i x sempat ckp pe2 lg..he said "Eer..dayan i ngan awek i ni..jgn call or msg tau..t if i msg dulu baru u can reply k.."..i quickly ended the call..almost campak my phone..nasib bek i was still waras...WTF!!! goodness!.. mamat tu mmg x tau nk appreciate seorang perempuan lah..samapi hati dia..dia ingat i ni perempuan simpanan dia ke????....dah la eja my name salah..its D.I.A.N.N.E!!!!!!!!NOT DAYAN!!!!!!!!!!!!Ya Allah..dugaan jenis apakah ini??..i was stoned skejap..lost of words to describe hw i felt at dat moment..hanya Tuhan yg memahami isi hati ku ini.................................................................................
fuck off assholes!!!
kenapa guys susah sgt nk paham perempuan?
kalau permpuan tu da merajuk..pujuk lah! bukan diam kn diri tggu girl tu cool off!
kenapa org yg beriya berkenalan tetapi tiada susulan?
amek phne number,cll tengah2 bila jmpa wat bodo..siyal!
why do we love someone so much tp we let go ef them?
kenapa perempuan ske sgt shopping?
Gorrrrrrssh! nmpk ini, nak, nampak itu,nk...x leh nk kawal perasaan betol..
kenapa sesetengah lelaki kene tggu perempuan approach?
depa ingt pompuan ni apa?? x gentlemen lgsg..budget pemalu la sgt, hot la sgt..sialan..
why do guys just dont get it?
senyuman berbalas mesra..rajin txtg..dicari bila perlu..x sengaja manja..durrhh...hw can girls make it more obvious?? its freaking obvious dat we da fall head over heels for u! assholes!
kenapa parents susah nk faham perbelanjaan anak?
kami bukan shopping semata2..kne hidup..makan minum..photostat..duit tol,minyak..bla..bla..
kenapa org yg kita suka x semestinye suka kita balik?
haihhssssssssssssssssssss..........................melainkn dia da ada gf
kenapa aku ni malas sgt?
ermm..x tau cne explain..pnjg sgt...malas
kenapa kita rindu org yang x rindu kita?
igt senang ke nk kawal perasaan ini...
kenapa ego lelaki ini tinggi sgt?
kalau dah rndu tu msg je la! x payah la cover2..
kenapa oleh kerana seorg jantan, persahabatan terabai?
i've seen dis happen many times..unconciously been thru it..babi
kenapa mostly lelaki hot2 gay dan perempuan cun2 lesbian?
cant u just stick to fitrah alam? kesian lelaki dan perempuan normal di luar sana..
kenapa lelaki suka perempuan hot2 ,keding n cun2 je?
kalau hensem gk x pe la muka cm tongkang pecah..ada hati...kata cinta itu buta!
hmmmmmmmmmm....itu la yg mengganggu fikiran i skg..kenapa la i ni byk berfikir?
tolong lah dun make it worse!
tetibe hr ni cm photogenic
im not just lonely
dear GOD..please let me move on..please let me enjoy the sweetness of life around ppl who love n care fr me..give me the strength to deal with my let go n to never look bck..
confused with myself or making me confuse?
let memories be barried in this blog..
some people say 'dun cry becoz its over but smile coz it happened' n dats exactly wat im gonna do!..tday i'll write all d fun n sweet moments i had wit him n bury it in dis post and to move on n never look bck..
i remembered the first time we met, we hvg our audition fr KAKOM..i remembered u as a great dancer..we introduced ourselves..u str8 clled me was as if u knw me alrdy..i really wanted to b ur fren..when i see u being bullied in d lecture hall i spoke to myself ''rasa cm nk dia duk sbelah me je''..we became gud friends after dat..evry where we go it was Faizal n Dianne..we were best friends..we'd play while d lecturer is talking..and i always bck u up bila u escape class..''diyana! faizal mana??'' haih..dat was common..then one day u didnt cme for a week,,i was freakn worried..i called so many times, at last u answered..u were crying..u told me ur mom was sick..i cnt help but to feel sorrry fr u..tears strolled dwn my eyes..u asked y i was crying i said ''if u quit, i nk kawan ngan spe?''...u stopped crying n pujuk me not to cry..we ended up laughing lak one day pn.zuraidah clled me to her cubicle..i da cuak quiz terok sgt ke??? tau x wat she said? she asked me ''npe result faizal teruk sgt nih??'' '' mana sy tau ckgu..'' ''x pernah2 dia dpt C n D ni..dia ok x?''..gosh! i didnt knw u were so smart in Chem..u nvr told me bout ur results.. to look bck..i nvr thot we could go dis far..we were best lama2 i just cudnt live without u..not hearing ur voice fr a day would kill me..i started to flirt wit u..u were freaked out, u bcked urself away frm me..i understood well..u werent ready..feeling confused n unsure ..u asked me y am i treating u so nice..i told u i liked u,more than just a friend..u cried..i knw y u were crying..u were scared..still hurt by ur past..after we declared ourselves as a couple..u sang me a song thru d phne UNBREAKABLE by Westlife..we officially made it our song..
after a huge one month break up due to stupid reasons...we got bck tgether..just in time fr ur bday..i took u out fr an outing..we watched our 1st mvie tgether THE INTERNATIONAL..dat was d first time u reached out to hold my hands..i was touched..our relationshp grew stronger..i still hv the imagination of staring into ur eyes..frm JJ to matrx,in the bus..i looked at u without hesitation, just to take a memory picture of u.. u had beautiful pair of eyes,batting lashes..blushed by my action..u turned away..i bought u a sweater fr ur was brown wit a checkered hood
b4 exm..ada KAKOM nye dnnr..we had a small fight..i clled u BABI..i werent mad..instead u gave me a white was vry sweet..
we used to exchange notes n posters..there was one letter u gave me b4 matrx ended..the end of the letter had a signature with words after it it says FAIZAL SAYANG DIYANA..i still keep it..
after matrx..we were apart fr one month..lastly u cme to kl fr ur interview..after ur intrvw..i insisted u datang ts coz i was there..when i saw u i shouted ur name n ran to hug u..i rindu u sgt2 time tu i wasnt thnkg..heh..on the way bck u gave me ur first kiss on d cheek in the monorail in front of my frens..i was lost of was unusual..i felt so loved there was a time u spent a nite at my place..ibu wasnt feeling well so we watched Lipstick Jungle..dat nite we spend the nite in each other arms..i felt so warm n secured.. i really wanted to stay like dat frever..before i sleep i waited fr u to sleep 1st so i cn watch u sleep...dimmed lights..sweet songs by Fern..a man i was inlove with in my arms and me in his..the atmosphere was just perfect..waking up to u beside me was beyond my expectation..
we shared such wonderful memories together..i will always remember talking to u on d phne fr hours til my bills shoot up.. having great laughs when u try to cheer me up, u always had some tricks up ur sleeves to keep me frm being mad at u..ur whispers of i love u in my ears..ur hug when i cry..ur kisses when we're tgher..i wud call 8 gorgeous guys on campus but it can nvr compare it wit a 5 mins phne call wit u.. or when we eat at fast food restaurants, u wud asingkn d tomato sos fr was very sweet..u wud also be my financial consultant so i wont spend too much and if i get scolded by ayah i'd call u n whine abt it.. but dat was dulu..nw i have to learn to let go..moving on might not be easy but i stil hv to go thru it..let our memories stay here as it can never vanish frm our thoughts..
all i wanted in life was to love and be loved..goodbye sweet memories
girls weekend!!
on sunday pula, picked up wahie at kepong sttn,we went to IKEA lg weh..then we go cyber, lepak at aness's crb at Seri Kembangan..we made sandwich n vegetable soup..hehe 4 new bibiks doing work..haha..we planned for a picnic in putrajaya after visiting fadhli n mirul in ALAM SHAH..while visiting them, sha told mirul dat she's going to US soon..mirul cried..they were so close to each other,ike real sibs.. if feeel sorry for mirul..he really needed someone to tke cre of dat,sha,aness,wahie n ratna(aness's hsemate) went picnic infrnt of Putrajaya Mosque beside the ws awsome! byk pics taken but sha hasnt uploaded it yet..dat nit we go tgk 17AGAIN at Alamanda it was a midnite muvie..n when we got bck we were locked outside n our car inside..gila! all d doors were closed..ktorg 5 org je...we almost cried,i mean i dunno bout them but i almost cried..huhu..lastly ada cleaner bantu kami get our way in and get to the roof top to sha's car..sedeh pe je..jalan sne jalan sini naik tangga turun balik..haih..wat an experience..i'l upload pics later k..muahxx
kasihan dia
to my dear love,
my love my heart r forever urs,
dianne GFF

faizal n me
on friday evening 19th june, kami,dianne, jen n awi hit d road to KMPk naik kancil atas usaha jen meminjam dr rakannye..we gerak arnd 6pm since i got evening make it short lets just say we byk hilang hala tuju til we arrive Tapah arnd RnR, kami makan,smyg,lepak..then bila nk sambung perjalanan..the car smelt like metal burning..we freaked out, so we decided to stop at jen's opah's hse..we had to wait fr the mechanic lama nk mati.. so ktorg tiba di KMPk arnd 2.30am..we daftar n went to bed..
the next day 20th june, jen n awi x bangun so i joined the rest for sukaneka..gila la..ada tolak tali,where we hv to tolak instead of bola, ikat kaki wit partner n play soccer, n galah panjang..the worst part was the ending..ktorg lawan baling tepung..tepung basah lak tu..haih..ptg was sesi SMALL TALK..i dunno wat happened coz i wasnt there(hee....) i g tgk rehearsal fr the gala nite..dat nite..guess wat i wore? kebaya! yes..budget kurus la konon..wit gold heels..i really wanted att frm 'him' dat nite..hehe..bodoh la aku nih..but wtv pn i felt pretty..dat is wat's important..dat nite ended wit ppl smiling n being happy..i enjoyed my evening..well dats the short of everything..hehe toodles~
heh..bought dis frm jusco ipoh =P

mama,me n pen
when hearts are meant to be broken
da ok da
Its hard to please everyone
Komuniti Bestari



tho im starting a new life here..i wont forget my kmpk life..matrx to some of us might mean to me it was a great experience..i met my real friends,my enemies and of course my first love(hehe...) kmpk we hv ds group called KOMUNITI BESTARI..meraka amat nock n x ngaku..hidup bersama mereka amatlah seronok..gelak tawa,tangis dikongsi bersama..ada yg kadang2 lupa daratan, tp biasala mnusia..hubungan antara kami x selalu disenangi ramai esp rakan2 masjid..seriously u cn nvr find fr

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